Open, thoughtful and politically active community, based on the principle of equality.
(Peace Institute vision)
We are publishing an overview of our work in 2023. We carried out 37 projects and a research programme on Equality and Human Rights in Times of Global Governance. We have worked through our public engagement to bring about positive change in society and to adopt expert-informed policies.
Table of Content:
2023 in numbers
Special achievements
Thematic fields (Human rights and minorities, Politics, Media, Gender)
Programme group
Organisational structure
Networking and professional collaboration
Partner organisations
Financial management
- Annual Report 2023
- Annual Report 2022
- Annual Report 2021
- Annual Report 2020
- Annual Report 2019
- Annual Report 2018
- Annual Report 2017
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2015
- Annual Report 2014
- Annual Report 2013
- Annual Report 2012
- Annual Report 2011
- Annual Report 2010
- Annual Report 2009
- Annual Report 2008
- Annual Report 2007
- Annual Report 2006
- Annual Report 2005
- Annual Report 2003
Aalborg University, Denmark
ADYFE, Austria
Albanian Media Institute, Albania
Amnesty International Slovenia
Antigone, Italy
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Asociación “Hombres Igualitarios AHIGE Andalucía”, Spain
Baltic Society for Human Rights, Latvia
Bianet, Turkey
Bulgarian Association for the Promotion of Citizens Initiative, Bulgaria
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Bulgaria
Centre for the Theater of Suppressed POKAZ, Croatia
Centre for Development Evaluations and Social Research (CREDI), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Centre for Equality Advancement, Lithuania
Centre of Women’s Studies and Policies, Bulgaria
Centre for Civil Liberties, Ukraine
Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium
Codici – Cooperativa sociale onlus, Italy
COFAC – Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, CRL (Universidade Lusófona), Lisbon
Community Medien Institut für Weiterbildung, Forschung und Beratung (COMMIT), Austria
COSPE, Italy
Croatian Law Center, Croatia
Today is a new day
Democracy International, Switzerland
Dissens Institut für Bildung und Forschung e. V., Germany
Documenta – Centre for Coping with the Past, Croatia
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany
Association of Journalists of Slovenia
Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Estonian Human Rights Centre, Estonia
European Alternatives, Romania
European Public Law Organisation, Greece
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska
Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Tourism, University of Maribor
Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Philosophical Institute ZRC SAZU
Forum 2000, Czech Republic
Foundation for Access to Rights, Bulgaria
Foundation Mediacentre Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
GYLA Legal Education Support Foundation, Georgia
Fundación 1 Mayo – Research institute related CCOO trade unión (F1M), Spain
Fundación EMET Arco Iris, Spain
Georg-August Universität Göttingen (UGOE), Germany
Human Rights Voice, Lithuania
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Háttér Society (HS), Hungary
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Slovakia, Slovakia
House of Human Rights Zagreb, Croatia
Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), Palaiseau
Institute for Social Research, Institute for Ethnology and Folkloristics, Croatia
Institute for Housing and Spatial Studies
Institute for Masculinity Research and Gender Studies (VMG), Austria
Institute of Research for Development, France
Instituto degli Innocenti, Italy
Instituto Politecnico de Braganza, Portugal
Jožef Stefan Institute
Institute for Recent History
Istituto Degli Innocenti di Firenze (IDI), Italy
Jagiellonian University (JU), Poland
Koç University, Turkey
Kosovo 2.0, Kosovo
Kosovo Press Council, Kosovo
KUD Transformer
Gmajna Cultural Association
Lapsus – Laboratorio di analisi storica del mondo contemporaneo, Italy
Linköpings University (LiU), Sweden
Lithuanian Gay League (LGL), Lithuania
Lota’s Box, Croatia
Loughborough University London, England
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights, Austria
Macedonian Institute for Media, North Macedonia
Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland
Mediacentre Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS), Cyprus
International Institute for Human Rights and Peace, France
Mental Health Perspectives, Lithuania
Migrant Advisory Council of the City of Graz, Austria
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the Republic of Slovenia
Montenegrin Media Institute, Montenegro
MoveGLOBAL e. V., Germany
Municipality of Berlin Mitte, Germany
Municipality of Empoli, Italy
Municipality of Lustenau, Austria
Novi Sad School of Journalism, Serbia
Nowa Training Beratung Projektmanagement, Austria
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (OEAW), Vienna, Austria
People’s Advocate Albania, Albania
Pixel – Associazione Culturale, Italy
Platform for the International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), Belgium
PlinEU, Poland
Bottom line
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poljska
Portuguese Women’s Platform, Portugal
Legal Centre for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment (PIC)
Prodos Consulting, Italy
Radio Marš
Red Barnet (SCD), Denmark
Reform – Resource centre for men, Norway
Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Italy
Sindikat Mladi plus
Slovenska filantropija
Smart Venice, Italy
Social Action and Innovation Centre (KMOP), Greece
Social Science Research Institute, University of Iceland (UI), Iceland
Stichting De Burcht/De Burcht Institute, The Netherlands
Südwind, Austria
Surt Fundacio de Dones Fundacio Privada, Catalonia, Spain
Symbiosis, Greece
Tallinn University, Tallinn
Tartu Ulikool/University of Tartu, Estonia
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of The University of Oxford (UOXF), Great Britain
The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria
The Kentro Merimnas Oikgeneias Kai Paidiou (KMOP), Greece
The University of Brescia (UNIBS), Italy
The University of Girona (UdG), Spain
Umanotera, Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development
Universidad Compultense de Madrid, Spain
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Università Ca’Foscari (UNIVE), Italy
University of Florence (Italy)
Università di comunicazione e lingue, IULM, Milan
Universität Bern, Switzerland
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Spain
Universität Hamburg, Germany
Universität Wien, Austria
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria
University of Barcelona, Spain
University of Cambridge, England
University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy
University of Gdansk, Poland
University of Palermo, Italy
University of Vienna, Austria
University of Regensburg, Germany
Karlovy University, Prague, Czech Republic
Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Unversidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
Embassy of Human Rights, Moldova
Verein Für Manner- und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark, Austria
VILABS, Greece
Work With Perpetrators EN (WWP), Germany
Institute for Education and Cultural Activities Bob
Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS)
Association of Municipalities of Slovenia
Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia