About the Peace Institute

Open, thoughtful and politically active community, based on the principle of equality.

(Peace Institute vision)

Public forum: In the name of the people: racism, populism and discrimination, 19 November 2014, CUK Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

Mission Statement

The Peace Institute – Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies – is a independent and non-profit research institution founded in 1991 by individuals who believed in peaceful conflict resolution, equality and respect for human rights standards. The Institute uses scientific research and advocacy activities aimed at creating and an preserving open society capable of critical thought and based on the principles of equality, responsibility, solidarity, human rights and the rule of law.

The Institute develops interdisciplinary research, educational and awareness-raising activities in the areas of social science and humanities, in five thematic fields: human rights and minorities, politics, media, gender and cultural policies. It acts as an ally of vulnerable groups and acts against discrimination in partnership with them. It is a visible research and civil society stakeholder in Slovenia, the region and on the international level and a leading resource in the fields of its operation. It acts in partnership with other similar stakeholders (institutes, universities, non-governmental organisations) as well as with residents on the local, regional and international level.

Beginnings and development
The Peace Institute was founded in 1991 by a group of independent intellectuals who had also been civil society activists in the post-socialist processes of the previous decade in Slovenia and Yugoslavia. In the first years of its existence, during the period of war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, the Institute focused mainly on peace studies and the issues of aggression, war and security.

In the following years its activities expanded to the field of contemporary social and political studies. The Institute began to tackle more intensively the problems of racism and political conflict, as well as gender studies, cultural studies and projects of political-social practice. It linked a strict academic perspective with concrete social and political engagement.

During this period, a fair amount of action research and a number of research projects were initiated, which covered not only the above-mentioned fields but also issues of political extremism, democratization and equal opportunity policies in Middle and Eastern Europe, independent women’s and feminist groups in Slovenia, and problems related to sexual abuse, refugees, civil service in the armed forces, the cultural industry, and more.

At the end of 2000, three programmes of the former Open Society Institute of Slovenia joined the Peace Institute: the Media Programme, the Civil Society Programme and the East-East Cooperation Programme. Their addition broadened the Institute’s scope of activities – research and other activities became oriented towards the issues of human rights, media and EU policies.

From its inception, the Institute has remained dedicated to dealing with marginalized social and political themes that are usually neglected in the activities of other institutions. Recently, for instance, these have included the problems related to the ‘erased’, the position of the Roma, the visibility of ethnic and other minorities in the media, the position of new, unrecognized minorities, intimate citizenship, contradictions within cultural policy, the relationship between the EU and the USA, the constitutional process in the EU, EU expansion (the Balkan states, Turkey, Ukraine), the accomplishments of the Hague War Crime Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, and other issues.

The Peace Institute is ready to cooperate in partnerships and networks in the European, Balkan, Mediterranean and global arena, and this readiness can be seen by its existing involvement in numerous international research, civil society, educational and advocacy projects and networks.

The Peace Institute is ready to cooperate in partnerships and networks in the European, Balkan, Mediterranean and global arena, and this readiness can be attested to by its existing involvement in numerous international research, civil society, educational and advocacy projects and networks.

Thematic Fields

Human Rights and Minorities

Strategic Focuses

  • Intolerance monitoring and hate speech
  • Migration, asylum and integration
  • GLBTQI rights
  • Access to rights and justice
  • Prevention of discrimination
Related projectsRelated publications
Novinarska konferenca: (Od)govor na sovražni govor

Press conference: Anti-Hate Speech Council, 29 January 2015


Strategic Focuses

  • State, politics and power
  • Racism, xenophobia and nationalism
  • Populism
  • Violence
  • Citizenship
  • Welfare state
  • Work and rights
Related projectsRelated publications
Forum Mirovnega inštituta: Protesti. Zakaj in kaj zdaj?, 12.december 2012, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

Peace Institute Forum: Protests. Why and what now? 12 December 2012, Ljubljana


Strategic Focuses

  • Media and minorities
  • Media pluralism
  • Access to public information
  • Media policy
  • Media and information literacy
  • Media integrity
Related projectsRelated publications
Conference 'Media integrity matters!'

‘Media integrity matters!’ conference, 13 October 2014, Ljubljana


Strategic Focuses

  • Gender equality
  • Prostitution and sex work
  • Masculinity studies
  • Care work
  • Public, private, intimate
Related projectsRelated publications
Študijski obisk predstavnic Ženskega centra Nyamirambo iz Ruande, april 2014

Study visit of the representatives of the Women’s Centre Nyamirambo from Rwanda, April 2014

Cultural policy

Strategic Focuses

  • Cultural policy
  • Intellectual property and copyright
  • Cultural education
  • Culture as a social development factor
  • Cultural studies
Related projectsRelated publications
Predstavitev knjige Feminizem in islam. Turške ženske med orientom in zahodom, 13. maj 2014

Book presentation: Feminism and Islam. Turkish Women between the Orient and the West, 13 May 2014


The Peace Institute publishes five book series, special editions and periodicals. The permanent series include Media Watch (and its sub-series Intolerance Monitor Report), Politics (and its sub-series Politics Symposion), EU Monitor, Sacred Cows, and collections of papers from the Workers’ Punk University.


Library materials cover all fields of activities of the Peace Institute, above all those related to marginalized discourses. In addition, there is a special library fund of Maska, a magazine dedicated to performance arts. The library is open once a week and provides for a reading room and lending library sources.

Peace Institute events

The Institute organizes various forms of public debates – forums, press evenings, and round tables – on pertinent, though perhaps neglected public initiatives and research results. Seminars, workshops, conferences and summer schools are forms of research education related to themes addressed by the Institute.


Seminars, workshops, conferences, summer schools are forms of research education on topics the Peace Institute is engaged with.

Program East East


The programme encouraged international cooperation through organization of seminars, workshops and study visits aimed at addressing topical political and social themes.

Workers’ Punk University


The WPU offered new possibilities for alternative (self)education with its yearly cycles of lectures, symposia, conferences, study circles etc.