Study visit to Malmö

Study visit to Malmö

Maja Ladić and Lana Zdravković, together with the representatives of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Vanda Straka Vrhovnik and Darja Božnik, and the director of the Afriška vas institute, Daniel Nzotam, took part in a study visit to Malmö as part of the project City for Everybody – Responsible Action for Inclusive Local Communities (CIFER). The city of Malmö, which has an adopted Action Plan to fight against racism and is also a member of the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR), is an example of good practice on how to deal with issues of integration and inclusion at the local level. Colleague Sayaka Osanami Törngren from the partner University of Malmö organized an excellent program. We met with Amani Loubani, the deputy mayor of the city, with representatives of the Skåne Regional Administration, visited the non-governmental organizations Pedagogical Inspiration Malmö and Malmö Against Discrimination, which work against racism in cooperation with the football club Malmo FF. We also visited the Malmö Ideella organization and took part in the Anti-Racist Day conference at the premises of ABF Malmö, where we also presented our CIFER project. The purpose of the study visit was to learn about good practices of integration and inclusion at the local level with the goal that the City of Ljubljana would also adopt a more systematic plan in this area in the future. The study visit was also attended by colleagues from the partner organizations Center for Peace Studies from Zagreb and MENEDEK from Budapest.